Thursday, April 3, 2008

And the academy award goes to. . .

Zoe Fuller for best dramatic performance in a "mom won't let me play with the toaster" or face washing scene. It is certainly fascinating (and just a little funny) to watch a toddler in a throw down tantrum over the most mundane of disappointments. It doesn't happen often but when it does I usually have to gently lower her to the ground so that she can throw her fit without fear of slamming her head on the linoleum. Tonight the big event was the removal of a box of plastics forks from her freakishly strong grip before she stabbed herself in the eye or she tossed them throughout the house. In my calmest mom voice I leaned in and said something to the effect of "No, Zoe, plastic or not, forks are not for childhood play." Cue screaming fit. Frankly, the most comical part of the whole thing is the relatively small duration of the tantrum. I mean, you'd think if you were that upset about something, you would at least have a small pout for a while. No, Zoe manages to compose herself and move on by trying to hunt down more sharp objects in the house. To put everyone's mind at ease, she is usually unsuccessful in this endeavor and settles on playing with the frog that teaches her colors. I will do my best to try and take a photo next time and add to the post.

1 comment:

Bryan L. Fordham said...

Seriously? Did you seriously say plastic forks "are not for childhood play?" Did you tell her it would be ok when she was a little older?