Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Witnessing History

**I know it's been a long time. Until I get pics of birthdays and Halloween, something to tide you over***

The first presidential election in my lifetime (unless you count that pesky Watergate Scandal and subsequent impeachment of Nixon) was between Republican incumbent Gerald Ford and Democrat Jimmy Carter. It should go without saying that I don't remember the election, but I imagine that some similarities exist between that one and this one, not the least of which is that the GOP candidate is paying the price for crimes of a predecessor. I was certainly born into a tumultuous time in the country's political history, just before the fall of a president.

Zoe was also born into a wild ride; an economy gone mad, a country at war, and a political landscape from which legends are born. I think it's no secret on which side of the isle I reside, but that almost didn't matter this morning at 8 a.m. when Zoe came with me to witness her first presidential voting process and by this time tomorrow, the results of that process will have made history.

And just for something interesting to think about, the first presidential election Zoe will be able to vote in will be in the year 2024. Since you must be 35 to be president, that means that the person Zoe votes for that year could possibly be 19 right now. Hey, dad, take a look around Rowan University. See any viable candidates?

1 comment:

The Robinsons said...

19?!?!? Now that is pretty scary! we've missed ya here in blogger world!