Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Zoe and I communicate (and some other stuff)

To begin, some housekeeping from the slackiest (slackiest?) blogger in all the web. You'll have to forgive me, I just got on Facebook and it is shiny and new but will never take the place of the blog. . . I just lost my focus a bit.

First, Go Obama (hey, it's my blog!).

Second, I haven't really posted since the big birthday/Halloween/all the grandparents are in town/let's build a deck weekend (although by the title of the weekend I think you can guess what happened). We had a great time, the ladies lunched, the menfolk did indeed build a deck. Zoe, for her part turned two and was incredibly cute as Minnie Mouse.

But, the things we say is the true topic of this post. The idea came to me when I, a 35-year-old woman, found myself saying this tonight: "If your bum makes a noise you have to say excuse me." Um, what? Who says that? And, I was serious. That was really the line I was using to teach Zoe manners. Zoe, upon hearing this turned into, as Mike and I now refer to her, the Hamburglar. "Mommy, garble, garble, garble oranges!" Um, what? My retort (you can already see this conversation going nowhere fast) "What do you say when you want something?" Zoe: "Peas!"

Yes, I'm learning these are the conversations I will be having with my two-year-old. I say something ridiculous like "Do you want puppy to use the potty?" She answers me in the voice of a giant burger-stealing character punctuated by some snack she randomly decides she needs and completely derails whatever ridiculous conversation we were having. And I get her food.

Welcome to toddlerhood, hold the fries.

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