Sunday, May 20, 2007

Stop the madness

Today, I spent more time than I care to admit crying as I packed away much of Zoe's 3-6 month clothes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm really happy for her as she so effortlessly navigates the world she has only lived in for six and a half months, but it's making me just a little sad to see how big she is getting. Why do I get the feeling that I am going to wake up tomorrow and she is going to be borrowing the keys to the car? But enough about me. . . with just a few days practice Zoe now sits almost completely on her own. If she tips, she steadies herself. She rolls to get around. And, here's where it gets scary, she is at the proverbial crawling starting gate. That's right, if we shot a gun in the air, she'd be off.

But the big news is that we have the top of a tooth poking out! We now own stock in Infant Motrin and Hyland's Teething Tablets althought they seem to be no match for the tooth. You can be sure that when it's in, they'll be a photo.

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