Friday, May 11, 2007

And the times they are a changin'

If there is anything we are learning as parents it's this; just when you have figured something out, I mean really feel comfortable with the task at hand, the baby will change the rules. For instance, just when I think the baby tub will last until she is at least 11, she begins sitting up in it creating the need for the newest member of our family. Please welcome, giant inflatable duck.

Just when we get the hang of feeding her solids in the bumbo, she climbs her way out of it by arching her back with the skill of a pole vaulter and covering it with her small, but incredibly messy, variety of foods. Hence, she now has her very own chair.

She certainly has been keeping things exciting around here lately. Babbling and zerberting the end of the bottle nipple have also been added to her repertoire. I can't help but feel that Yale is right around the corner!

Also, we had her six-month appointment this week. She is a whopping 17.5 lbs and 27 inches long completely discrediting my theory that most everything we feed her winds up everywhere but in her mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the duck! She must be tickled to have this new tub. How cute!!! I am sure she will love this naked picture posted on the web when she is older... nice mom! Suzy