Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Settling in

Yeah, ok. . . just because we have started a new life doesn't mean my lackadaisical blogging habits have changed. For those of you keeping score at home, you'll notice that I have missed her birthday. That's a first even for me. I can't make up for that, but I can do a brief recap of the last two months. Zoe turned. . . wait for it. . . three! So, I went to the hospital one day, got completely exhausted for a couple of months, blinked, and my baby turned three. Frankly I am a little nervous as every parent with a child four or older (and that is a lot) has felt the need to mention to me how horrible three is. With that said, here there is only big girl (and boy, wouldn't want anyone thinking Mike is sleeping in a crib) beds in this house and diapers during the day are just a faint memory. Quick note about potty training for those of you thinking that it would be a no-brainer to have a blog post dedicated to it. It was so easy (she says as she knocks wood or at least the 50-year-old metal table at which she is typing) that the post would have no substance. Here is the summary: We moved to New Jersey, went to Target, bought about $6,000 worth of Elmo underwear, put them on Zoe and in two days later it was done. Ok, moving on. Zoe has also started at a school two days a week in preparation for the one day that I might find a job (although I think buying lottery tickets is seeming like a better plan).

So for now, for the first time since Zoe was two months old, I am a stay at home mom. Let's get some of the stereotypes out of the way. I do not eat bon bons and I do not watch "my stories." I don't cook any better than when I was working, in fact, I am not sure I am even a better mother. I have been caught in a strange world of the in between; not quite ready to find a mom group, and really not yet working. I enjoy being home with Zoe, then quickly catch myself and feel guilty about not working. I want to have a job, then quickly catch myself for ever thinking I need more fulfillment than this. I am reminded of a time when I was devastated about going back to work after Zoe was born and a friend reminded me that at least I will get to have a relaxing cup of coffee while in conversation with adults. I miss that. But, with that said, I know someday I will be back in the rat race, commuting, dressing up and facing deadlines. I will be back in the world where people are hard to please, where a couple games of "hide from the dog in the tent" is not welcome. I will miss days filled with Play dough and finger paints. I will be in a meeting in a conference room wishing I was in a race at the playground. I will be feeding egos instead of ducks. I will be "doing" lunch instead of enjoying it; and I will miss this time.

So for now, Zoe and I are attached at the proverbial hip (with the exception of Tuesdays and Thursdays when she is in school) and the man of the house is paying the bills. I am no Carol Brady, my days are not always happy endings. But everything is worth it at the end of the day when I climb into bed with my daughter, read her a bedtime story only to have her tell me that I can't leave because, as she says, "I love you so much".

I love you too, Zoe. Happy belated birthday.

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