Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Birthday!

To you, blog! That's right, although I am a couple of days late (so what else is new) the blog has officially turned one. There will be no trip to Chuck-E-Cheese or themed paper products for this celebration (and no corn hole much to the dismay of anyone who was at Zoe's first birthday). However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has kept up with it over the last year with a special shout out going to all the commenters. I have had a blast writing it and keeping everyone up to date on our girl. Since the blog started, Zoe has learned to crawl, walk and run. She started eating table food since it began. She has gone from an infant tub on our bathroom counter to practically swimming in a big-person tub. She went from cooing to speaking. She began giving kisses and sitting in a high chair. She has seen two car seats and two strollers. She has visited three states. She turned one. She got her first haircut. She gained six pounds and grew four inches.

It has been a big year. Thank all of you for being part of it.

1 comment:

The Robinsons said...

aaawwwwwww Our little girls are growing up!!! sniff sniff