Monday, August 20, 2007

Sometimes our life is like "Seinfeld" -- A show about nothing

So I felt like I should do an update, but I have nothing to say. I could write about her new love for waffles, but waffles aren't that exciting. There are no new teeth, there's no walking, and no first words have been uttered. Some days, we just go about our routine. As much as we our blessed by Zoe and as much as observing her daily miraculous milestones is like watching brushstrokes on her soul, the reality is that sometimes it's just plain boring. That's right, I said it; I went there. The fact of the matter is that she isn't really a great conversationalist. She gets easily amused by little things, but frankly pulling out all the toys in her toy basket doesn't offer me the same stimulation. And trust me, I like bedroom door peek-a-boo as much as the next guy, but can she really believe I am that surprised to see her every time? So I find myself with nothing to say. I guess I should really be happy, I mean there are many "exciting" things of which I am blissfully unaware. I'm sure there are many people with a house full of kids who would, on occasion, gladly trade my boring for their "exciting." Still, there are some days I long for an after-work drink with friends or a night out to dinner that doesn't take place before 6pm and that doesn't involve the phrase "did you bring the cheerios". I would occasionally like to meet up with a friend without concern for nap times (hers, not mine) or schedule a haircut without the planets being aligned. I'd like to not have a song involving colors stuck in my head during a crucial meeting with a client. But then, after a few boring hours in the late afternoon and into the evening, she goes to sleep. We sit in her chair in her bedroom a she snuggles next to me with a bottle and I realize, if this is boring sign me up. No after-work martini is worth giving up big, wet, sloppy baby kisses. I'll carry Cheerios to every meal if it meant I get to watch her squeal in the morning when I get her up. And, let's be honest, who is better afternoon company, nap time or otherwise, then Zoe? So I get to take back everything I wrote. Why? Because I'm the mother and I said so.

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