Zoe apparently did not read the blog and did indeed turn one. I wonder what goes through the head of a one-year-old during their birthday party. From what I understand, these parties take all forms; there are events that rival the Academy Awards and there small soirees that consist of the obligatory mini cake and paper plates covered in Disney characters. Zoe's more closely resembled the latter. Either way, one thing is certain; the guest of honor has no idea what the hell is going on. On Zoe's big day she woke up from her afternoon nap, probably expecting a quick round of "kitty cat" hunt and some chicken fingers but instead came out of her room to a house full of people, a mound of presents and the paparazzi. She eventually took a seat in her new big-girl chair and took to the presents with abandon (well, more the present packaging). After the truckload of gifts were open, she did in fact have her chicken fingers but then was presented with a dessert the likes of which she has never seen. She started slowly with that cupcake but soon was diving in like she was Betty Crocker herself. All the while people were standing around her highchair, staring at the remarkable site, and using all available technology to capture the moment. And the moment was wonderful.
To make it official, we had her 12-month doctor's appointment yesterday. She is 21lbs 9ounces and 31 inches long. Her head is still really big. She had four shots and a blood draw and I find myself wondering if nurses get paid in relation to how long it takes to take blood; it seemed like an hour and I feel like I showed remarkable restraint in not outright slugging her. But Zoe took it like a champ.
Our little girl is one.